Consultation open for proposed changes to the Firearms Licence Application Form

There are proposed changes to the Firearms Licence Application Form established under the Firearms Act 1996 (the Act). The purpose of this consultation is to allow for community to provide input prior to finalising the form.

It has been many years since the form has been reviewed and currently more than 50% of all applications lodged are delayed due to issues associated with the completion of the form. It is hoped that these delays can be significantly reduced for applicants through use of the revised application form.

Please note that there are additional questions seeking detail about an applicant’s criminal history and mental/physical health. This information is required to be provided pursuant to Section 29 of the Act and it is relevant to an assessment of a person’s suitability to be issued a firearms licence.

The period for consultation on the proposed new form closes 21 November 2024.

If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback regarding the proposed new Firearms Licence Application Form, please do not hesitate to contact Firearms Services on 03 6173 2225 or email

Draft Firearms Licence Application Form