• Printed Application Forms are available at Service Tasmania locations across the state.
  • Where possible PDF application forms have been supplied in an alternate format, however, if you require a document in a specific format, please contact Tasmania Police, Firearms Services.

Keep up to date with new information sheets as soon as they’re released by subscribing.

Application forms


  • Application for Firearms Licence
  • Application for Minor’s Permit
  • Licence renewals – Are automatically printed prior to expiry of your licence and mailed to you for completion. Under the Firearms Act 1996, a renewal is assessed as if it was a new licence application and accordingly all relevant checks must be completed.


Other Applications

Supporting documents

Statutory Declarations

Other documents

 Information Sheets and other resources

Watch this page as new Information Sheets will be added:

Registration and Licence Statistics (as at 30th June)

Number of registered firearms in Tasmania

2021-22 – 147,388

2022-23 – 150,748

2023-24 – 154,090

Number of licences granted in Tasmania

2021-22 – 66,778

2022-23 – 68,667

2023-24 – 70,123

Note: Category A, B, C, D & H are separate licences. An individual licence holder can have multiple categories.

Number of licence holders in Tasmania

2021-22 – 36,009

2022-23 – 36,081

2023-24 – 36,424


Following the tragic events at Port Arthur on 28 April 1996, all states and territories agreed to implement nationally consistent legislation relating to the regulation and control of firearms across Australia.  The implementation of the 1996 National Firearms Agreement (NFA) included a national compensation buyback scheme.  The 1996 NFA was updated in 2017.

Firearms Safety Training Course

The Commissioner of Police has approved TasTAFE to provide Firearms Safety Training Courses to firearms licence applicants in Tasmania. If your application been assessed and approved by Firearms Services, you should receive written approval to enrol and attend the Firearms Safety Training Course for the category of Firearm you have been given approval for.

You are required to enrol in a Firearms Safety Training Course within six (6) months of your letter from Tasmania Police, in order to be granted a Firearms licence.

Most Firearms Safety Training Courses are held over one day, including theory in a classroom followed by practical handling and firing on a Tasmania Police approve shooting range. Courses are held in a variety of locations across Tasmania, visit www.tastafe.tas.gov.au for further information.

*Security Industry Firearms Safety Training Courses are held over five days in Hobart.

Other Jurisdictions

Firearms registries in other jurisdictions: