Firearms Categorisation Determinations
The Firearms Categorisation Guidelines relate to the assessment of firearms in order to determine whether they fall under Schedule 1, item 6 of the Firearms Act 1996. Firearms which fall within this provision cannot be the subject of licences under the Act and are therefore unable to be registered. You can access the Firearms Categorisations…
Project Recharge
What we are doing: Firearms Services and Project Unify have commenced Project Recharge to investigate and identify potential efficiencies and risks in providing online firearms licensing services to the firearms community. The focus of Project Recharge is the improvement of interactions between Tasmania Police Firearms Services and firearms owners and related businesses, while supporting operational…
Early mailout of firearms license renewals
If you possess a current Tasmanian firearms licence that expires any time between now and August 2023, you will receive your licence renewal early. Tasmania Police are expecting to receive more than 16,000 licence renewals between now and the end of 2022. This is almost three times the number received in any other year in…
Notice of Change of Firearms Licensing Process
This is a notice to advise of a change to the process to obtain a firearms licence to possess and use a Category H (pistol) for employment in the security industry in Tasmania. This change comes after consultation with a broad cross section of stakeholders in Tasmania which have confirmed that the new process is…
New Firearms Storage Requirements have commenced
The new Firearms Storage Requirements took effect on 4 December 2017. A checklist template has been developed to assist firearms owners with understanding the new requirements and assessing whether or not their storage arrangements are compliant. For further info see: Storage Inspection Checklist…
1,924 Firearms Handed In During National Firearms Amnesty
Tasmanians have handed in almost 2,000 unregistered and unwanted firearms during the National Firearms Amnesty. Surrendered firearms consisted of 745 shotguns, 1071 rifles and 108 handguns, including: 2 x SKS military-style semi-automatic rifles handed in, one in the north and one in the south. .222 calibre rifle handed in anonymously to a North-West firearms dealer…
Firearms Storage Requirements will change
Firearms Storage Requirements will change on 4 December 2017. To allow sufficient time for firearm owners to take the necessary actions, changes to firearms storage requirements are provided in comparison to the current requirements. See: Storage, Safekeeping & Transport.
Firearms Categorisation Guidelines finalised
The Firearms Categorisation Guidelines have been finalised. The Guidelines relate to the categorisation of firearms in Schedule 1(6) of the Firearms Act 1996. The Guidelines will be used by Firearms Services for the interpretation and application of schedules 1(1) & 1(6) of the Act.
Strengthening of the National Firearms Agreement
In December 2016, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), agreed to strengthen the National Firearms Agreement (NFA), by reclassifying lever action shotguns with a magazine capacity of no greater than five (5) rounds to Category B and those with a magazine capacity of greater than five (5) rounds to Category D. Individuals should bear this…